Lee Harvey Oswald

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New Orleans, Louisiana
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Lee Harvey Oswald, a former US Marine, was charged with killing the 35th President of the United States on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Up until that tragic day, he had an unremarkable existence. However, his actions spoke eloquently about the monster he had allowed himself to become as a result of his traumatic upbringing. He was a loner and volatile as a child, which necessitated regular psychiatric evaluations at juvenile reformatories. He lived a fantasy existence that was centered on strength and, most importantly, invincibility. Later, he joined the US Marine Corps and underwent firearms instruction and evaluation. But after ‘accidentally’ shooting himself, he fled to the Soviet Union, where he said he wanted to renounce his US citizenship. But destiny drew him back to America, where he started a long and never-ending list of crimes and hostilities. Oswald was a mysterious character who didn’t get a marksmanship badge throughout his time in the service. He was, however, assassinated two days after the American president.

Early Childhood & Life

Robert Oswald Sr. and Marguerite Oswald Claverie welcomed Lee Harvey Oswald into the world in New Orleans, Louisiana. A few months before Lee was born, Robert Oswald died of a heart attack, and soon after Lee was born, Marguerite placed him and his two brothers in an orphanage.

Marguerite moved to the Bronx in New York after her second marriage. The young Oswald attended several different schools and was frequently labeled as “temperamental” and “withdrawn” by his teachers.

He was transported to a juvenile reformatory for psychiatric evaluations, where the physician diagnosed him with “passive-aggressive tendencies.”

He devoured socialist literature to help him deal with his psychological issues, and he even occasionally attended Civil Air Patrol meetings. This led him to decide to join the US Marine Corps in 1956.

Despite displaying superior marksmanship in the Marine Corps, he was twice court-martialed in 1958 for unlawfully having a weapon and acting violently.

In 1959, he enlisted in the military and planned a trip to Moscow. He told Russian authorities when he got there that he wanted to become a Russian citizen.

Oswald was permitted to remain in Minsk after some consideration by the administration over his potential function as infiltration, although the KGB was kept closely on him.

Deficiencies & Prison

He left the Soviet Union in 1962 because he didn’t like the “Soviet way of life.” His sympathy for communism strengthened during this period while he settled in Dallas, Texas.

He secretly bought a.38 handguns and a rifle in 1963, which also occurred to be the weapons used to kill John F. Kennedy.

He allegedly attempted to shoot General Edwin A. Walker in April 1963 but was unsuccessful. He allegedly made an attempt to leave the country at that point, but quickly adjusted to “regular” life and began working at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. He was reportedly a diligent worker who faithfully carried out his daily tasks.

Several local newspapers in the days prior to President Kennedy’s arrival in Dallas recounted the path taken by the presidential convoy, which went by the Book Depository, where Oswald had a job.

The Warren Commission reports that when Oswald’s coworkers were questioned about his activities on the day of the murder, many of them stated that they had seen him strolling around on the sixth story of their office building, holding a clipboard in his hand, and intently staring outside the window. Others said they didn’t see him at all throughout the day, and a couple said he inexplicably vanished after lunch.

Later, Oswald shot John F. Kennedy dead from the sixth floor with a rifle. A few other people, who at the time were not aware of his actions, said that he appeared cool and composed as he strolled through his office just a few minutes after the shooting. Just as the police were about to set up a perimeter around the office complex, he is thought to have left. He was the sole worker missing from the office complex, which raised suspicions.

When Oswald returned home, a police bulletin with his physical specifications had already been shown all over television. Patrolman Tippit challenged the armed killer at this point, and as a result, he was hit and shot four times in the open. He was seen fleeing the scene by numerous witnesses, and the four cartridge cases that were discovered next to Tippit’s body were recognized as being from the handgun he owned.

He was apprehended by the police at a cinema at 1.40 pm on the day of the murder, and before the day’s end, he had been charged with Tippit’s murder and the assassination of the American president.

He was subject to a dozen or so FBI interrogations during his brief detention, and the American authorities denied him the right to legal counsel for his defense despite his request.

Major Offenses of Lee Harvey Oswald

According to the Warren Commission, Oswald fired three rifle shots from the sixth story of the Book Depository as Kennedy’s procession traveled along the street outside his office on November 22, 1963, killing the President and critically wounded Texas Governor John Connally.

Individual Life of Lee Harvey Oswald

He began dating Marina Prusakova, a 19-year-old student of pharmacology, in March 1961, and they were wed in April. Their second child, a daughter, was born the next year in October after the birth of their first child on February 15, 1962.

He was detained and held in custody until trials, but he was never brought to justice for his claimed crimes. He was shot and killed by Jack Ruby on November 24, 1963, barely two days after the assassination, while he was being led to the country jail.

The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald and On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald are only two of the movies that fictionalized the assassin’s court cases.

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Net Worth

Lee is one of the wealthiest and most well-known criminals. Our study of information from sources like Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald’s net worth is about $1.5 million.


This assassin was killed in front of television cameras two days after the assassination of the American president.