Adi Da

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Queens, New York
Birth Sign
Queens, New York

Franklin Jones, who is better known as “Adi Da Samraj,” brought a new set of spiritual techniques and a new set of beliefs to the world through the “Adidam” movement. He was a spiritual leader who rose to prominence in the late 20th century. He was bright, energetic, and mysterious, but he also caused a lot of trouble. He was a follower of Swami Muktananda for his whole life. He was moved by Eastern traditions and the Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism. Jones was a captivating and eloquent speaker. He talked about philosophy and gave Western followers a deep look into the devotional and spiritual traditions of Eastern religions. He was a good writer, and during his life, he wrote more than 60 books about spirituality. He was also an artist who made some of the most interesting digital and photographic works of art that have been shown all over the world. As a young man, he was curious and asked what life was all about and why people had to suffer. Many of his fans call him an “avatar” to show how much they like him.

Table of Contents

Early years and childhood

Franklin Albert Jones was born in Queens, New York. He spent most of his childhood on Long Island, where he went to church with his family.

In 1961, he got a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Columbia University.

In 1963, he got his Master of Arts in English Literature from Stanford University.
In 1964, he moved to New York City and became a student of Albert Rudolf, an oriental art dealer, and self-proclaimed spiritual guru.

He went to school for a short time at St. Vladimir’s Russian Orthodox Seminary in Tuckahoe, New York.
After he graduated from high school, he moved in with his girlfriend Nina Davis, and stayed at home doing drugs, meditating, and reading books while Nina went to work to pay for him.

A Later Life

He went to India in 1969 and became a student of the Swami Muktananda, who gave him permission to practice Siddha Yoga and teach it to others.
He opened a bookstore in Los Angeles where he often gave talks that were based on the Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism.

In 1970, he sold and gave away everything he owned in Los Angeles and went to India to live in Swami Muktananda’s ashram and become a follower of him.
Three weeks after he arrived at Swami Muktananda’s ashram, he was unhappy with what he saw and did there. He left for Europe and the Middle East for two weeks and then went back to New York.

In 1973, he went back to India and met with Swami Muktananda. He asked the swami if he could become a “Mahasiddha,” but the swami told him no.
At the end of 1973, he started the Dawn House Press, which was where he put out all of his books.

In Los Angeles in 1974, he told his followers that he was “the divine lord in human form.” He also started a religious group called “The Dawn Horse Communion.”
In 1983, he and 40 of his followers moved to the island of Naitauba in Fiji.

In the mid-1980s, many of his followers said that he brainwashed people who came to see him. They also said that he sexually abused and assaulted people. Because of these things, he was sued.

In 1972, he started a new religious group called “Adidam.” Its ideas are based on Hinduism and include the ideas of “karma” and “reincarnation.” People came from all over the world to join the movement.

Personal History and Legacies

After he graduated from Columbia University, he started using drugs and moved to Palo Alto to live with his girlfriend, Nina Davis. He got married to his girlfriend, but they later split up.
In 1967, when he was a student at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, he had an anxiety attack.

The Knee of Listening, which was his autobiography, came out in 1972.
Stress caused him to have a very bad physical and mental crisis on January 11, 1986.
In 2000, Adi da’s life fell apart for the third time. He had said before that by the year 2000, everyone in the world would know him for his special spiritual insight. He had the breakdown because this didn’t happen.

He has four daughters. Three of them are from his own body, and one was given to him by someone else.
At the age of 69, he died at his home in Manitoba, Lau Islands, Fiji. He had a heart attack.
During his lifetime, he made a lot of digital works of art that were shown in Italy, Amsterdam, and New York City.

Estimated Net worth

The estimated net worth of Adi Da is about $1 million.


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