Adlai Stevenson I

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Christian County,
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Christian County,

Adlai Ewing Stevenson, I was born in Christian County, Kentucky. He was elected twice to the U.S. House of Representatives and became the 23rd Vice President of the U.S. This Illinois Congressman was strict and wanted to get ahead. He was also the Assistant Postmaster General of the United States. He was known for getting rid of more than 40,000 republican candidates and putting democratic ones in their place. This made him very unpopular with the Republicans who ran Congress, but it made him very popular with the Democrats who ran the country. He liked the free-silver lobby better than the gold-standard lobby. People liked him because he was respectful and didn’t favor one side over another. Adlai Stevenson was a lawyer, and when he first started practicing law at the age of 23, he met famous lawyers like Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. He has also been named an associate justice for the Columbia district of the Supreme Court. He liked the idea of low tariffs and easy money. He also ran for Governor of Illinois but lost.

Early years and childhood

Adlai Stevenson His family owned a farm in Christian County, Kentucky, where I was born. John T. Stevenson and Eliza Ewing Stevenson were his parents.

He went to school in Kentucky at the Blue Water School. Frost killed his family’s tobacco crops in 1852, and they moved to Bloomington, Illinois, because of this. His father owned a sawmill in Illinois.

He went to Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington and then finished his degree at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky.

In 1858, he was admitted to the bar and started working as a lawyer in Metamora, Illinois, which is in Woodford County. At the age of 23, this young lawyer met famous lawyers like Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

Adlai Stevenson’s Career

During the Civil War, he worked as an assistant in a court of equity, which is also called a “master in chancery.” In 1864, he was chosen as a presidential elector and as the district attorney.

After his job as a district attorney ended in 1868, he went into law practice with his cousin James S. Ewing. In that same year, he moved to Bloomington with his wife, Letitia.

As a Democrat, he was chosen to serve in the 44th Congress in 1874. He started working in this job the next year and spent the next two years in the House of Representatives.
In 1876, he ran for re-election, but Republican presidential candidate Rutherford B. Hayes beat him by a small margin.

In 1878, he ran for office on both the Democratic and Greenback tickets and won. In the next two presidential election years, he came close to winning, but in his last race for Congress, he came in third.

In 1885, Grover Cleveland put him in charge of the post office as the first assistant postmaster general. This is when he fired about 40,000 Republicans and gave their jobs to Democrats. The move made the Republicans angry and made the Democrats like him more.

In 1892, the Democrats put him forward as their choice for Vice President. He became the 23rd Vice President of the United States the following year.
In 1896, his name came up as a possible replacement for Cleveland. He was put in charge of the Democratic National Convention as its chairman. But the move didn’t help him win over more people.

In 1900, he ran for Vice President with William Jennings Bryan, who was 25 years younger than him. They didn’t win. He went back to being a lawyer in Illinois after the election.

In 1908, he ran for governor of Illinois but lost. The next year, he helped the La Salle Extension University, which is a school for people who want to learn from home.

Personal History and Legacies

In 1866, he married Letitia Green Stevenson, the woman he had loved for a long time. There were four kids in the family.

He smoked cigars all the time, and because of that, he got mouth cancer. He had to have surgery for the same thing in 1893.

He died when he was 78 years old. He was laid to rest in Bloomington, Illinois, at the Evergreen Cemetery.
In his honor, Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, United States, named a dorm building Stevenson House.

Estimated Net worth

Adlai is one of the wealthiest politicians and is on the list of the most popular ones. Based on what we found on Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider, Adlai E. Stevenson Jr. has a net worth of about $1.5 million.


He was the United States’ 23rd Vice President. He was the first former Vice President to be nominated for the job again with a different person running for President.