Jonah Green

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Hockessin, Delaware
Birth Sign
Hockessin, Delaware

Jonah Green is a well-known YouTuber as well as a social media celebrity. He rose to fame when he posted his debut film, ‘Insight,’ on YouTube at the age of seventeen. Along with his partner, Sam Katz, he wrote, directed, edited, and acted in the picture. For his directed efforts, he received an award. He also founded Mutantboyfriend Productions, a film production firm. On March 16, 2009, he and his girlfriend, Sam Katz, founded the ‘Mutantboyfriend’ channel, where he uploads his movies every Wednesday. On July 30, 2009, he uploaded his debut video to this channel. He’s appeared in a number of commercials and written a number of skits about diverse subjects. He’s very active on social media, with a large following on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. He is also one of the seven members of the ‘SettleDownKids’ YouTube channel, where he has created content alongside fellow YouTubers Ryan Abe, Maddi Bragg, Arden Rose, and Oli White. His videos are mostly comedic in nature.

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The Ascension To Stardom

His mother first discovered that he had a significant number of fans following his every move when he was 14 years old. Over the next five years, he amassed tens of thousands of followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. When he and his fellow Delawarean, Sam Katz, produced their 103-minute drama film ‘Insight,’ he became an instant hit with the people of Delaware and other regions of the United States. The film was a great hit, with over 555,000 views as of this writing.

He relocated to Los Angeles at the age of 19 and became a co-host on the ‘Dreamworks’ internet show ‘Gym Class Science.’ His desire to share his ideas with others led him to co-host a science educational show called ‘Gym Class Science.’ The first three episodes of this show were recently broadcast, and another ten episodes will be released soon. He’s also been spotted on set with producer Michael Bay, who is now working on his latest picture, ‘Project Almanac.’

Scandals & Controversies

When Jonah Green was arrested by the Newark Police Department in September 2013 for participating in a student gathering, he became embroiled in a dispute. This gathering nearly devolved into a riot, and Jonah later denied being present at the time of the conflict. Despite Jonah’s assertion that he was a victim of circumstances, the police exhibited a mug shot of him, grinning at the camera, along with other people who were there at the time of the incident and were later detained. The charges of rioting against him were ultimately withdrawn, and he was just charged with jaywalking.

Behind the Scenes

On June 1, 1995, Johan Green was born in Hockessin, Delaware, in the United States. Valerie Green, his mother, is a teacher at ‘Newark High School.’ Scott Green, his father, is a professor at the ‘Delaware Military Academy.’ Shosana Green is his younger sister. He uses contact lenses that make his eyes appear blue and green at times.

He is a huge fan of buffalo chicken pizza. From a young age, he was a gifted artist and painter. Later on, he used this aptitude to create comedic sketches for his videos and films.

He attended the ‘Cab Calloway School of Arts’ on the West Coast for his middle and high school education. Following his graduation, he enrolled in the University of Delaware to pursue his passion of becoming an actor and filmmaker. However, he only stayed at the university for a year before deciding that the subject was not for him. He then relocated to Los Angeles. He dated Claudia Sulewski, a fellow YouTuber, for a while.

Estimated Net Worth

Jonah’s net worth is estimated to be $500,000 dollars. His YouTube channel also pays him between $295K to $4.7K every year.