Adolfo Rodríguez Saá

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San Luis,
Birth Sign
San Luis,

Adolfo Rodriguez Saa is an Argentine politician who is presently a member of the Argentine senate and served as Argentina’s interim president for one week in 2001. He was born into an influential family in San Luis, Argentina, and his father was the city’s police chief. After graduating from the University of Buenos Aires with a degree in law, he taught at his former school in San Luis. Soon after joining the youth wing of the Peronist Party in San Luis, he was elected as the local delegate. The Peronist Party appointed him as a provincial legislator upon assuming office. In 1983, after the end of the dictatorship, he returned to politics and was elected governor of San Luis, despite having to leave politics in 1976 owing to the coup. His 18-year tenure as governor of San Luis was incredibly advantageous for the city’s economic growth. In the meanwhile, he continued to make numerous unsuccessful bids for the presidency. In 2001, however, with Fernando de la Rua’s resignation as president, Saa was placed as interim president. His brief term lasted only one week.

Youth and Early Life

Adolfo Rodriguez Saa was born in San Luis, Argentina on 25 July 1947 to parents Carlos Juan Rodriguez Saa and Lilia Esther Paez Montero. His family has a history of political prominence in the region, and his father served as the city’s police chief.

Adolfo attended Juan Pascal Pringles School, which was affiliated with the University of Cuyo, for his early schooling. After completing high school, he attended the University of Buenos Aires to study law, graduating in 1971.

After completing his education, he taught at his alma mater, Juan Pascal Pringles School, for the following two years. Upon graduation, he joined the Peronist Youth and served as their spokesperson in San Luis.

Adolfo Saa’s Career

The Peronist Party won the 1973 elections, and Adolfo Rodriguez Saa was elected to the provincial legislature. He was also connected with the party’s unions. In 1976, however, a coup forced him to leave politics.

After leaving politics, he joined a law practice where he and his brother worked. However, following the collapse of the dictatorship in 1983, elections were held, and Saa was chosen as the governor of San Luis. During his tenure as governor, significant investments were made in San Luis, and employment, social services, industries, and tourism all grew substantially. San Luis prospered under his leadership as governor.

He participated in the 1989 presidential primary elections of the Justicialist Party but was unsuccessful. Carlos Menem eventually became president of the country.
Adolfo Rodrguez Saá was elected to the Constituent Assembly that authored the Argentine Constitution revision of 1994.

When he saw that he had no chance of defeating Carlos Menem in the 1995 presidential election primary, he gave up and abandoned his candidacy. In 1999, he again withdrew from the presidential primaries, although in the same year he was re-elected as governor of San Luis.

In 2001, the then-president, Fernando de la Rua, resigned in the wake of unrest across Argentina, and in a special assembly convened by Congress, Saa was declared the winner with 169 votes. On December 23, 2001, he was installed as the interim president of Argentina.

During his brief term as president, he proposed a new currency, the ‘Argentino,’ to combat inflation and also announced a default on the country’s debt. He had also created a budget for the following year in accordance with the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund, but it did not receive approval. He submitted his resignation on December 30, 2001. His administration lasted one week.

In the Presidential elections of 2003, he stood for office once more but finished fourth. He was elected senator for San Luis in 2005 and has served in that capacity since.

Adolfo’s Major Opera

During his 18 years as governor of San Luis, Adolfo Rodrguez Saá was able to draw massive investments to the province; as a result, employment, industry, public works, social services, and tourism all grew rapidly.

Personal History and Legacy

Adolfo Rodríguez Saá is married to Maria Alicia Mazzarino.

Estimated Net Worth
