Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Augustin-Louis Cauchy

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Cauchy was a French mathematician. He was renowned for his contributions to mathematics. He contributed to mathematical analysis and replacement group theory. He was a naval engineer for Napoleon’s English invasion fleet. He wrote many works on mathematics and physics. He wrote around 800 scientific articles. His work on definite integrals paved the way for complex function theory. The Institute of France awarded him the renowned grand prix for his outstanding contribution to wave propagation, a vital aspect of hydrodynamics. His complex variable theory has been used extensively in fields ranging from applied mathematics to aeronautics. His important papers on mistake theory are a great service to science. First mathematician to construct mathematical definitions and rules. He introduced integral definitions and series convergence rules. He was a devout Roman Catholic and a staunch Bourbon royalist. Institut Catholique and Ecole Normale Ecclésiastique were his passions.

Early Childhood of Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Augustin-Louis Cauchy was born in Paris on August 21, 1789, to Louis Francois Cauchy and Marie-Madeleine Desestre. Alexandre Laurent and Eugene Francois Cauchy were his brothers.
Due to the French Revolution, Cauchy’s father lost his job and the family moved to Arcueil. After the political atmosphere calmed, his family returned to Paris.

Cauchy entered Paris’ best secondary school, École Centrale du Panthéon. He won several Latin and Humanities prizes.
He chose engineering and came second in the entrance exam. In 1807, he graduated from Ecole Polytechnique.
He then graduated from École des Ponts et Chaussées in civil engineering.

A Career of Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Job at Cherbourg in 1810 working on the docks and fortifications for Napoleon’s English invasion fleet.
Along with his demanding engineering job, he managed to complete three mathematical publications for the Institut de France’s Première Classe. Two were accepted.

His engineering career, however, bore him quickly. In 1812, he returned to Paris to seek a mathematical position. He didn’t quit his job, but he spent three years on unpaid sick leave doing mathematical research.
The 1810s were tumultuous in France. Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in 1815, and Louis XVIII became king. In March 1816, the Académie des Sciences reopened, and Cauchy was invited to join. But accepting the job gained him adversaries.

‘Coursd’analyse de l’École Royale Polytechnique’ (1821), ‘Résumé des leçons sur le calcul infinitésimal’ (1823), and ‘Leçons sur les applications du calcul infinitésimal a la géométrie’ (1826–28) were among his important works.

The French Revolution of 1830 sent King Charles X into exile. Cauchy left at the same time. In 1838, he returned to Paris.
In 1839, he joined the Bureau des Longitudes. But he refused to take an oath of fealty, therefore the king rejected his election. So he couldn’t join the Bureau or be paid.

In 1840, he presented a dozen papers to the Academy on celestial mechanics. In the 1840s, he joined the Jesuit-run École Normale Écclésiastique in Paris.

Grandiose of Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Augustin-Louis Cauchy is best known for establishing Complex analysis, also known as the theory of complex functions. This branch of mathematics studies complex numbers and is useful in many areas of mathematics and physics.

Personal Legacy of Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Cauchy married Aloise de Bure, a publisher and bookseller whose family published most of his writings. Marie Francoise Alicia and Marie Mathilde were their daughters. Augustin.
Cauchy died in 1857.
Only Leonhard Euler left a larger corpus of work than Cauchy.

Estimated Net Worth

Augustin-louis is a wealthy and well-known mathematician. Augustin-louis Cauchy net worth is estimated at $2 Million by Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider.