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Saint Bede, or Venerable Bede, was an English monk, scholar, author, and educator who is widely regarded as the greatest Anglo-Saxon scholar. He was one of the few saints who retained their honor during their lifetime. Bede’s works are classified as grammatical and scientific works, scriptural commentary, and historical and biographical works. Though he wrote more than 40 books during his lifetime, ‘Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum’ was his best. The book asserts itself as the indispensable source for the history of the Anglo-Saxon tribes’ conversion to Christianity. This work earned him the title ‘The Father of English History’. Additionally, his linguistic abilities enabled him to translate early works written in Latin and Greek, making them accessible to Anglo-Saxons and ultimately contributing to the development of English Christianity. Apart from being an author, a teacher, and a writer, Bede was a gifted singer and a poet reciter. Additionally, through his book ‘Historia ecclesiastica’ and two works on chronology, he popularized the method of dating events from the time of the incarnation, or Christ’s birth (AD).

Childhood & Adolescence

Saint Bede was born in the Durham town of Monkton. He was born in 672 AD, according to the information provided in the autobiographical chapter of his work ‘Historia ecclesiastica’. He is believed to have come from a noble family.

When Bede was seven years old, he was sent to St. Benedict Biscop, the founder of the Monastery of St Peter in Monkwearmouth, to be educated. Although it is unknown whether Bede intended to become a monk, given the practice of young noble boys in Ireland, it was natural for Bede to follow suit.

He was transferred to the Monastery of Jarrow in 682 AD, Ceolfrith’s sister monastery to Monkwearmouth. It is assumed that he was directly involved in the construction of the original church in Jarrow.

In 686 AD, a plague struck Jarrow, leaving only two surviving monks capable of carrying out the office’s duties. Ceolfrith and Bede were the two surviving monks. Bede was able to perform the entire liturgical service through Ceolfrith.

Career of Bede

In 692 AD, he was ordained a deacon at the age of nineteen by his diocesan bishop, John, who was also the bishop of Hexham. This was an extraordinary accomplishment for Bede, given that the canonical age for deacon ordination was 25, and his exceptional abilities aided in the process.

When Bede reached the age of 30, Bishop John ordained him a priest. He was well versed in all subjects at the time, including biblical commentaries, poetry, music, observation of nature, Aristotelian philosophical principles, astronomy, arithmetic, grammar, ecclesiastical history, saints’ lives, and, most importantly, the Holy Scripture.

Bede published his work ‘De Arte Metrica and De Schematibus et Tropis’ in 701 AD. This was the first of Bede’s numerous works, intended for classroom use.

He wrote his first treatise on chronology, ‘De Temporibus’ (‘On Times’), in 703 AD. In 725 AD, he completed a larger and improved version of ‘De Temporibus’ titled ‘De Temporum Ratione’. Both books deal with the reckoning of Easter, with the latter including a much more extensive chronicle.

His primary biblical commentary was on John’s Revelation. He intended to transmit and explain relevant passages from the Church Fathers through this work. His interpretations were figurative in nature. He attempted to rationalize discrepancies through the use of critical judgment.

Bede’s magnum opus, ‘Historia ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum’ or ‘The Ecclesiastical History of the English People’, was published in 731AD. The series, which is divided into five volumes, is a primary source for understanding the arrival of Christianity in early British history.

‘Historia ecclesiastica’ chronicled significant events in history, from Julius Caesar’s raids to St Augustine’s arrival in Kent and the spread of Christianity in England. Additionally, it was the first history book to use the AD system of dating.

He traveled to York in 733 AD to pay a visit to Ecgbert, the Bishop of York. This was his first visit to an area other than Monkwearmouth-Jarrow. He discussed the elevation of the See of York to an archbishopric during the, which was eventually accomplished in 735 AD.

Apart from York, he traveled to Lindisfarne, where he stayed at the relatively obscure monastery of Wicthed, a monk. He wrote the prose that depicted the life of St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, during this time period.

He completed over 40 books during his lifetime, the majority of which have survived. His final surviving work is a letter written in 734 AD to Ecgbert, Bishop of York, a former student.

Significant Works

Saint Bede’s most famous work is ‘Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum,’ or ‘The Ecclesiastical History of the English People.’ Divided into five volumes, it provides a comprehensive overview of England’s history, beginning with Caesar’s invasion.

It chronicles the development of Christianity, its growth in various parts of England, and missionary work in various parts of the country. Additionally, the book details the conflict with the British church over the proper date for Easter.

Awards and Accomplishments

Bede was dubbed ‘The Father of English History’ for his magnum opus work, ‘Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum’.

In 1899, Pope Leo XIII elevated him to the rank of Doctor of the Church, making him the only native of Great Britain to receive the honor.

Personal History and Legacies

Bede’s marital status is still unknown. Though it is widely believed that he remained a bachelor throughout his life, two of his writings cast doubt on this belief. He refers to his wife in the first person in both ‘Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles’ and ‘Commentary on Luke’.

Bede’s health deteriorated in the final days of his life. He experienced frequent bouts of breathlessness, which aggravated his breathing and swollen his feet. He died on May 26, 735 AD and was laid to rest in Jarrow.

In the 11th century, his relics were transferred to Durham Cathedral. However, following the tomb’s looting in 1541, they were re-interred in the cathedral’s Galilee chapel.

Estimated Net Worth

The net worth of Bede is unknown.


Interestingly, on his deathbed, Bede composed a five-line poem that has become known as ‘Bede’s Death Song’. The song has been widely copied in Old English manuscripts, appearing in 45.