Carlos Slim Domit

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Carlos Slim Domit is a businessman from Mexico. He is the eldest son of Carlos Slim Helú, a commercial entrepreneur, engineer, investor, and philanthropist. According to “Forbes,” a business magazine, Carlos Slim Helú was the richest person in the world between 2010 and 2013. Carlos Slim Domit is the only chairman of Grupo Carso, one of the largest conglomerates in the world that his father used to invest in a vast array of Mexican businesses, even though he shares leadership of his father’s business empire with his brothers Marco Antonio and Patrick. In addition, he serves as Chairman of Promotora Musical, America Movil, Teléfonos de México, Grupo Sanborns, and US Commercial Corp. He served as the co-chair of the World Economic Forum in Latin America in 2015 after co-chairing the B20 Group’s Information, Communication, and Technology Committee Task Force in 2012.

Ascent to Fame

Carlos Slim Domit, the eldest son of Carlos Slim Helú, continued his father’s legacy by progressively assuming greater managerial authority for his companies. He joined Grupo Sanborns as a director in 1990, and in 1995 he joined Teléfonos de México as a director as well. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Grupo Sanborns two years later, in 1997. He moved on to become a Director of Grupo Televisa in April 2004 and was chosen the Chairman at Teléfonos de México in May 2004. On September 21, 2006, he was appointed Co-Chairman of Teléfonos de México. The following year, he was named Chairman of Telmex Internacional. Since April 27, 2011, he has served as a Director of America Movil. He is currently in charge of many enterprises and has led at least ten different ones in the past.

Career of Carlos Slim Domit

Carlos Slim Domit was the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Related Chief of a primary directorate of Sanborn Hermanos and served as the President of Teléfonos de México and Carso Global Telecom. He is currently Chairman of Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, having served as Co-Chairman of America Movil in the past. He held the positions of Director of Grupo Condumex, Phillip Morris Mexico, and Sears Roebuck de Mexico in addition to Chairman of CompUSA, Inc. and Sears Roebuck de Mexico. He is the President and Managing Director of Grupo Sanborns; the Director of Telmex Internacional; the Chairman of Telmex, U.S. Commercial Corp, Grupo Sanborns, and Promotora Sanborns. He is also the Co-Chairman of Telmex USA, L.L.C. and the Vice Chairman of Carso Global Telecom and America Telecom. He serves as a Director of Carso Global Telecom and América Telecom and is also a Director of United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce and the President of the Council of Administration.

Musical Ability of Carlos Slim Domit

It is common knowledge that Carlos Slim Domit holds a position of authority in the retail music business in Latin America due to his position as chairman of Grupo Sanborns, a sizable chain of physical and online retail establishments that includes department stores, eateries, pharmacies, and retail spaces. It is less well known, though, that in his younger days, he was a DJ in a dance club in Acapulco. He DJ’d for forty minutes on his wedding anniversary in 2010 and danced to Pepe Aguilar’s “Un Privilegio,” a gift from a close friend.

Personal & Family Life

Mexico City is the birthplace of Carlos Slim Domit, who was born on February 28, 1967. He is the oldest of Carlos Slim Helú and Soumaya Domit Gemayel’s six children. His sisters are Soumaya, Vanessa, and Johanna, and his brothers are Patrick and Marco Antonio. His father is a business tycoon who owns stock in multiple Mexican firms and is the CEO of Grupo Carso, América Móvil, and Telmex. His mother was a philanthropist who passed away in 1999. He attended Universidad Anáhuac for his education, where he graduated in 2004 with a degree in business administration.

In 2000, at a motor race, Carlos Slim Domit met María Elena Torruco, who would become his future wife. Their ages are separated by sixteen years. Before he chose to surprise her with a ring buried under a cake while celebrating his 43rd birthday in 2010, they had an intermittent relationship for nearly ten years. A few days later, at a family gathering, the two were formally engaged. Onésimo Cepeda, the bishop of Ecatepec, performed their wedding ceremony on October 9, 2010, in the Polanco Parish of San Agustín. Distinguished visitors from various fields attended the wedding, including Joaquín López Dóriga, Alejandro Benítez, Juan Domingo Beckmann, Emiliano Salinas, Ludwika Paleta, Guadalupe Loaeza, Sofia Aspe, and Miguel Alemán. Carlos, their oldest child, was born in September 2011. In February 2013, they welcomed Emiliano, their second son, and Mariel, their daughter, in 2015. Most recently, in the summer of 2018, María Elena gave birth to their fourth child.

Net worth of Carlos Slim Domit

The Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helu is valued at $104 billion. One of the richest persons in the world and the richest person in Mexico is Carlos Slim Helu. In August 2007 Carlos was the richest person on the planet, a status he maintained for about three years until Bill Gates reclaimed the title. Carlos and Bill alternated as the richest people on the planet from 2010 to 2013. Carlos consistently ranked among the top ten richest persons in the world over the ensuing ten years. Carlos Slim became wealthy because he owned almost 57% of the market-dominating mobile phone company America Movil. Along with holdings in the New York Times and Minera Frisco, he also has significant holdings in Grupo Financiero Inbursa, a holding firm that provides banking and insurance services, and Grupo Carso. Slim is considered the father of the family business and is credited with creating the billions, despite having given his six children shares of the company. In only the last ten years, he has received dividends totaling almost $9 billion.