Emperor Wu of Han

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Emperor Wu of Han, who was the seventh emperor of China’s Han dynasty and ruled from 141 BC to 87 BC, was given the name Wudi after he died. His rule was one of the longest in Chinese history, as it went on for more than 50 years. Wudi was a famous military leader who led his armies on big trips that led to a huge growth of the land he controlled. With his ruthless campaigns, the autocratic emperor took control of southern China, northern and central Vietnam, and northern and central Korea, which had gotten out of Chinese control. Even though his aggressive military campaigns helped him make his empire much bigger, they also used up a lot of the empire’s money and supplies. He put in place new taxes and business policies to bring in more money for the state, which made him unpopular with the people. Even though the first few years of his rule were good, the last few years were filled with financial problems and political unrest. Wudi was also known for the religious and cultural changes he brought to the area. He made Confucianism China’s official religion and was obsessed with finding a way to live forever.

Early years and childhood

He was born Liu Che on June 30, 156 BC, in Chang’an, which is now called Xi’an in China’s Shaanxi Province. His parents were Liu Qi and Wang Zhi, who were married. When his grandfather, Emperor Wen of Han, died, Liu Qi took over as Emperor Jing of Han.

Liu Che was his father’s tenth son, so at first, people didn’t think he would get the throne. But he became his father’s favorite son, and in 153 BC, he was made Prince of Jiaodong. In 149 BC, he was made crown prince.

Accession and Rule

In 141 BC, Emperor Jing died, and Crown Prince Liu Che became Emperor Wu. At the time, he was only 15 years old.
Up until that point, the Han dynasty was run by the Taoist wu Wei philosophy, which put an emphasis on economic freedom and made the government less centralized. Even though these policies helped make the economy more stable, they also caused the government to lose control over politics.

Young Emperor Wu wasn’t happy with the way things were, so he tried to make changes to the economy and government. After talking to Confucian scholars, he started a set of changes that became known as the Jianyuan Reforms.

But because the emperor was still young, he couldn’t fully carry out his plans because his mother and grandmother didn’t agree with them. His mother and grandmother held the real political power to run the government.

When his grandmother, the Grand Empress Dowager Dou, died in 135 BC, Emperor Wu was finally able to carry out his grand plans. Almost right away, he started a military campaign to take over more land and sent troops everywhere.

He started attacking the nomadic Xiongnu people in 133 BC because he thought they were China’s biggest threat on its northern border. The fighting, which was called the Han-Xiongnu War, went on for several years. During that time, his armies spread out in all directions and took over more land.

Over the years, he was able to get China to control southern China, northern and central Vietnam. In 128 BC, he lost control of the northern and central parts of Korea, but he was able to take them back later. Emperor Wu was not a person who took losing lightly.

Emperor Wu was an autocratic leader who was known for being cruel and means. He was also stubborn and full of himself. He became interested in horses from a place called the Fergana valley, which was a long way from the Chinese mainland. The first group he sent to the land in 104 BC failed, but he didn’t give up. He sent a second group, which came back with horses in 101 BC.

He was very religious, and his shaman advisors told him about the god Tai Yi (Dong Huang Tai Yi), whom he worshipped. He also believed in a lot of strange things and was fascinated by the idea of living forever.

Emperor Wu spent too much money from the state’s reserves because he wanted more power and to rule over a much bigger area. In the last years of his rule, he had a lot of money problems because he spent too much on war and lived a very lavish life.

His Major War

The Han-Xiongnu War, a series of battles between the Chinese Han Empire and the Xiongnu confederated state that lasted from 133 BC to 89 AD, was the biggest war that happened during Emperor Wu’s rule. In 89 AD, when the war was over, the Han Empire won the war against the Xiongnu state.

Personal History and Legacies

Chen Jiao, who later became known as Empress Chen of Wu, was Emperor Wu’s first wife. She was an older cousin. This marriage was a political move, and no children were born from it. In 130 BC, the empress was removed from power because she had used witchcraft.

His second wife was Wei Zifu, and they were together for 49 years. She was the mother of Crown Prince Liu Ju, who was going to be Emperor Wu’s heir. He had two wives, but he also had many concubines who gave birth to his children.

Some politicians lied and said that Wei Zifu and the crown prince were practicing witchcraft. After this, the crown prince led an uprising in which thousands of people were killed. Both the mother and the son killed themselves after the failed uprising.

Emperor Wu was very sad when his wife and son died, and he tried to make up for it during his last years. By 88 BC, he was very sick, so he made Liu Fuling, his youngest son, the crown prince. On March 29, 87 BC, he passed away. He was given the name “Wudi” after he died. This name is used for historical and religious reasons.

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