FaZe Rain

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Toronto, Canada
Birth Sign
Toronto, Canada

YouTuber Nordan Shat, often known as FaZe Rain, is well-known and recognized for his amazing gaming prowess, which is evident throughout his channel. And to say he is outstanding would be an understatement given his channel’s sparkling 4 million+ subscribers! It is not surprising that Nordan was able to create a channel that even the pros swear by in such a short amount of time after earning all of his popularity via his unwavering dedication. FaZe Rain is only 20 years old, yet as soon as you watch one of his videos, you’ll see that he has a gaming background that rivals that of industry pros. The followers of Nordan frequently share his movies on various gaming channels like Trickshotting and OMFGRain.

The Epic Ascent To Stardom

Nordan’s gaming channel is not the consequence of his childhood interest or desire like that of other well-known gamers. He started playing video games after following his therapist’s suggestion. Nordan’s childhood was largely spent in sorrow due to his parents’ frequent arguments and fights.

His grades suffered as a result of all this mental turmoil, and he began to experience despair and depression. Nordan was surrounded by loneliness when his dad vanished without a trace, and he believed that abusing Advil would give him a momentary reprieve from the depraved life he was leading.

After a week of hospital care following his aborted suicide attempt, Nordan decided to seek therapy, and things have improved significantly since then. She advised Shat to pick up a new interest, so he started watching YouTube. Soon, he was so inspired that he decided to launch his own channel.

Knowing that playing video games was what brought him the most joy, he started showing off his fantastic Call of Duty skills on YouTube. Before Shat could comprehend that his channel was expanding, there was a million-subscriber increase! Nordan has advanced from “Call of Duty” to competitive sniping and even more now that he is a member of one of the biggest e-gamers on social media, FaZe Clan!

Different e-gaming organizations have referred to his tactics and abilities as some of the best, and without a doubt, it was only the hard effort that brought him there! Nordan has a second, more intimate channel called “Nordan Shat” in addition to his FaZe Rain gaming channel where he uploads his regular vlogs and is more candid with his followers.

Why FaZe Rain Is So Unique?

Even though FaZe Rain is shown on his channels as his most extreme hardcore gaming persona, he is there with the sole purpose of inspiring others. In one of his videos, FaZe Rain continues by saying that he wishes he could help everyone viewing the way that YouTube videos helped him deal with the problem. FaZe Rain must be a really rare type of player because of this uplifting and distinctive quality!

FaZe’s Past Fame

In one of Nordan’s vlogs, he continues by sharing a true story about how he was assaulted. Nordan, who despises inciting animosity, didn’t respond with a fist but instead let the man leave.

Rain’s Individual Life

On May 29, 1996, Nordan Shat was born in Toronto, Canada. He has one biological sister and two step-siblings, and he resides with his mother and stepdad. In one of his videos, Nordan continues to explain that Josh, his stepbrother, is someone he truly adores and looks up to, despite the fact that he and his stepsister aren’t particularly close.

When he was younger, Nordan was the kid who delighted in making people laugh and was frequently referred to as the “class clown.” His channel is also a showcase for his hilarious sense of humor!

Estimated Net Worth

The estimated net worth of FaZe Rain is $10 million. Blogger, YouTuber, and professional gamer, Faze Rain. Please read the entire account of how he acquired his wealth.