Haider al-Abadi

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Baghdad, Iraq
Birth Sign
Baghdad, Iraq

Haider Jawad Kadhim Al-Abadi is Iraq’s 75th Prime Minister and one of the country’s most powerful figures. After President Faud Masum proposed him as the future Prime Minister and the Iraqi government approved him, he succeeded Nouri al-Maliki. Initially, Nouri Maliki, the then-incumbent Prime Minister, was opposed to Haider al-Abadi being chosen as the Shia State of Law parliamentary coalition’s Prime Ministerial nominee, but he eventually agreed. After returning to Iraq from exile in 2003, Haider al-Abadi held a number of key positions in the post-Saddam Hussein government. He served as the ‘Minister of Communication’ in Saddam Hussein’s first government. Before becoming Prime Minister of Iraq, he served as the ‘Deputy Speaker.’ He is the current leader of the ‘Islamic Dawa Party.’ Combating political corruption is one of his government’s challenges. As Prime Minister, he is responsible for combating terrorism and reclaiming a large area of northern Iraq that has been seized by Islamic State terrorists.

Table of Contents

Childhood and Adolescence

Haider al-Abadi was born in Baghdad on April 25, 1952. Jawad al-Abadi, his father, was a well-known doctor in Baghdad and the managing director of the ‘Neuro Surgery Hospital.’ Jawad al-Abadi later worked as an inspector general for the Iraqi Ministry of Health.

He became a member of the ‘Dawa Party’ in 1967.
He graduated from Baghdad’s “Central High School” in 1970. He enrolled in Baghdad’s ‘The University of Technology,’ where he studied electrical engineering and received his bachelor’s degree in 1975.

He studied electrical engineering at the ‘University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and received his Ph.D. in 1980. He speaks English really well.

Haider Abadi’s Career

Following the Baathists’ seizure of power, his family was in opposition to Saddam Hussein’s administration. In 1977, while pursuing his Ph.D. at the ‘University of Manchester,’ he was named the leader of the ‘Dawa Party.’
He then became a member of the ‘Dawa Party’ executive leadership in 1979.

Three of Haider al-brothers Abadi’s were detained for being members of the ‘Dawa Party in 1980, 1981, and 1982.
The government seized Haider al-passport Abadi in 1983 for conspiring against Iraq’s ‘Ba’ath Party.’ He spent most of the 1980s and 1990s in exile in the United Kingdom, where he became public in his criticism of Saddam Hussein. While in exile, his father died and was buried in London.

He worked as a research leader from 1981 to 1986, a transportation consultant from 1987 to 2003, and the director-general of a design and technology firm from 1993 to 2003 during his exile in the United Kingdom.

The ‘UK Department of Trade and Industry’ awarded him a grant for technological innovation in 1998.
He applied for a patent in London in 2001 for rapid transit systems.
He returned to Iraq after the 2003 war, which saw the ‘Ba’ath Party’ banned and a new government formed.

In October 2003, he and the interim ministers of the Governing Council protested in front of Paul Bremer, expressing their dissatisfaction with the ‘Coalition Provisional Authority’ (CPAprivatization )’s proposal. They opposed privatizing infrastructure and other state-owned businesses before forming a legitimate government.

On September 1, 2003, he was appointed as the new government’s ‘Minister of Communication,’ a position he maintained until June 1, 2004. Despite being the ‘Minister of Communications,’ he continued to disagree with the CPA, which issued licenses to three mobile companies. On the other hand, he put restrictions on such licenses and started a new one.

According to press allegations from 2003, Iraqi officials were investigated over a shady transaction with an Egyptian telecom company, Orascom, which was awarded a contract to provide a mobile network to central Iraq. Any illegal actions during the negotiation of such a contract were rebuffed by Haider al-Abadi.

The contract was illegally affected under the supervision of John A. Shaw, the ‘US Deputy Undersecretary of Defense,’ according to findings released by the US Defense Department in 2004.

From January to December 2005, he served as an adviser to Iraq’s Prime Minister. He was elected to the Iraqi Parliament in December of that year and served as the chairman of the Parliament’s Economy, Investment, and Reconstruction committee.

He was the ‘Deputy Leader’ of the ‘Islamic Dawa Party’ from January 15, 2007, until September 8, 2014, and he is now the current ‘Leader’ of the ‘Islamic Dawa Party.

After winning the 2010 election, he was elected to the Iraqi Parliament for the second time, representing Baghdad.
In 2013, he was the chairman of the Finance Committee.

He participated in the ‘Iraq Petroleum Conferences’ held by Phillip Clarke and Nawar Abdulhadi of the ‘CWC Group’ from 2009 to 2012 as a member of the ‘Iraq Petroleum Advisory Committee.’

Though his name has been mentioned as a possible Prime Ministerial contender since 2006, many rumors have surfaced. After Fraud Masum was elected President of Iraq on July 24, 2014, he appointed Haider al-Abadi as Prime Minister.

Initially, incumbent Prime Minister Nouri Maliki rejected Haider al-nomination Abadi as Prime Ministerial candidate by the Shia State of Law parliamentary coalition. Maliki refused to resign as Prime Minister and filed a lawsuit in federal court to do so. Following calls from national and international leaders, he opened the way for Haider al-Abadi on August 14, 2014.

On September 8, 2014, the Iraqi Parliament endorsed his government. As a result of his tireless efforts to enhance Sunni Muslim involvement in government, famous Sunni politician Khaled al-Obaidi was appointed Defense Minister.

In December 2014, he signed a new revenue-sharing agreement with Baghdad that allows the Kurdish Regional Government to receive half of the entire cash earned by Kurdish-controlled oil fields.

He took aggressive action against the army’s corruption, which had been brewing since Nouri Maliki’s rule, by identifying and removing fifty thousand phantom troops who, despite being on the payroll, never showed up for duty.

However, a more serious situation exists during his time as Prime Minister, with the Islamic State extremists controlling a large area of northern Iraq. He visited Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan and participated in strategic negotiations in an effort to limit and counter extremist Islamist forces.

His efforts to reduce schisms have been positively accepted. The United States has pledged $1.5 billion to train the Iraqi military. The US will also resume sales of F-16 fighter jets, which were halted after the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
To confront the menace of the ‘Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,’ he has recently leaned more toward Iran and Russia (ISIL).

Personal History and Legacy

He has three children and is married.

Estimated Net worth

Haider Al Abadi’s estimated net worth is $7 million dollars, with primary sources of income including politician, electrical engineer, and engineer. We don’t have enough information about Haider Al Abadi’s cars or lifestyle.