Infinite Lists

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The lists, challenges, reactions, trick shots, and flip videos that Caylus Cunningham, aka Infinite Lists, publishes on his channel Infinite Lists have made him a popular YouTuber in the United States. He also publishes gaming videos on a second channel called “Infinite Lists 2.” Cunningham, a YouTuber known for his clickbait tactics, frequently offers his audience prizes in exchange for subscribing to his channel and turning on the notifications. However, his videos are genuinely enjoyable and fascinating, and they can keep anyone interested. His gaming videos are entertaining to watch and equally funny. Cunningham is active on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram in addition to YouTube. Despite having millions of members on his main channel, he is devoted to never being smug about his accomplishments. The American YouTuber is still adored and revered by his audience despite posting videos with clickbait titles and images.

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Become a Star

On August 21, 2014, Caylus Cunningham launched the ‘Infinite Lists’ YouTube channel. But he didn’t start uploading videos until 2016. ‘6 Richest YouTubers of 2016- Pewdiepie, Ryans ToysReview, Little Baby Bum, Webs & Tiaras Big money’ was the inaugural video on this channel, in which he discussed some of the most financially successful YouTubers of 2016. Following this, a ton more “list” movies were released, including lists of the best water bottle flips, most costly kids’ toys, craziest tree houses, etc. The YouTube viewers who subscribed to his channel thought all of these films to be incredibly fascinating and entertaining. As additional people joined the channel, it quickly reached a million subscribers.

Today, Infinite Lists, Cunningham’s YouTube channel, has more than 6.7 million subscribers and 800 million viewers. Along with videos of lists, this channel also features a lot of hilarious reaction videos! Some of them are a must-watch for everyone, such “The Saddest Animations You Will Ever See On YouTube” and “The Absolute Weirdest People Of WALMART”

Infinite Lists 2 is the name of Cunningham’s second YouTube channel, which debuted on April 5, 2016. This channel offers a variety of gaming videos that are relevant to some of the most popular video games, including Black Ops 4 and Fortnite. The channel has a respectable fan base as seen by its 308k+ subscriber count.

Individual Life of Infinite Lists

On August 18, 1997, Caylus Cunningham was born in the US. There is no information available about his friends, family, or schooling. In terms of his romantic history, the YouTuber once dated vlogger Jasmine H. The pair routinely worked together on each other’s YouTube videos during that time. The pair parted ways in 2017. Cunningham is allegedly single at the moment.

Net Worth of Infinite Lists

The estimated net worth of Infinite Lists is around $1 million.


FaZe Blaziken, a Call of Duty YouTuber, was the target of Caylus Cunningham’s debut diss track.

One of the phony life hacks on “Infinite Lists” involves charging a device with toilet paper.