John Farmer

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John farmer was a well-known English musician who had a long and fruitful career (1591–1601) despite the fact that it lasted only about a decade. He is admired for his incredible musical abilities, and he created a number of masterpieces that are renowned for their exceptionally melodic compositions. He was a key figure in the development of English madrigal, allowing it to break free from its Italian roots. Many English music genres, such as consort song and English Psalter, benefited from his great musical contributions. Throughout his career, he worked as an organist and created numerous inspiring pieces. His works were testaments to his unrivaled musical abilities. The details of his life, as well as his death, appear to be a little hazy. His last recorded composition was in 1601, after which he just disappeared from historical records. This is a brief biography of this great English composer’s childhood, career, and legacy.

Table of Contents

Early Life And Childhood

Around the year 1570, John Farmer was born. In 1591, he was in his early twenties when he prefaced his first publication, “Divers and Sundry Waies of Two Parts in One… uppon One Playn Song,” with a lyric, claiming his youth. This collection contains 40 of his canonic works, all of which demonstrate his extraordinary contrapuntal abilities, even at such a young age. Farmer dedicated this poem to his patron, the 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. This book was a huge success, prompting a publisher named Thomas East to notice his abilities and partner with him on a new English Psalter in 1592.

Career of John

In 1595, Farmer earned his first job. At Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, he was appointed organist and’master of boys.’ During this time, he also worked as an organist at St. Patrick’s Church, which provided him with additional income. However, circumstances changed, and he was reportedly fired from his employment in 1599. He was, nevertheless, interested in relocating to London and establishing down there. In 1599, while in London, he released the ‘First Book of English Madrigals.’ This book was dedicated, once again, to his benefactor, the Earl of Oxford.

Critics see this piece as a hybrid of two madrigal styles: Morley’s lighter style and Weelkes and Wilbys’ more serious styles. Farmer wrote a number of madrigals during his lifetime, and many of them were published in 1590s anthologies. One of his greatest compositions, a magnificent madrigal, was included in the multi-author madrigal collection ‘Triumphs of Orianna,’ edited by Morley and published in 1601. However, this is the last recorded fact regarding Farmer, after which he vanished totally from history. After 1601, little is known of his job or personal life.

Fair Phyllis is a well-known madrigal written by Farmer. It was published in 1599 and features polyphonic music. This madrigal tells the account of a guy who saw a shepherdess tending her sheep near a mountain and decided to help her. She was all by herself, far away from the other herders. She was in love with Amyntas, a shepherd who was on the lookout for her and wandering across the highlands. He eventually found her and kissed her out of joy. Because of its outstanding lyrics and incredibly attractive music, this work was a huge success.

Giles Farnaby, a great Renaissance English composer, dedicated a pavan to Farmer, which was published as ‘Farmer’s Paven’ in the ‘Fitzwilliam Virginal Book’ (the primary source of keyboard music). Fair Phyllis, important works I saw a group of fair nymphs sitting alone, and I overheard one of them telling a pretty little bonny lass to take her time while it lasts.

Estimated Net Worth

John Farmer is one of the wealthiest association football players, as well as one of the most popular. John Farmer’s net worth is estimated to be $1.5 million, according to Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider.