Joslyn Davis

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Downey, California
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Downey, California

A well-known social media celebrity, Joslyn Davis is the executive producer and co-host of Clevver Media. It was purchased by Alloy Digital in June 2012 and is the top entertainment news site on YouTube, covering personality-driven content, entertainment news, and “beauty fail” videos. CleverTeVe, ClevverTV, ClevverMusic, CleverNews, and ClevverStyle are six celebrity-focused YouTube channels run by Clevver. In addition to appearing as herself in “Clevver News Feed” in 2012, “Good Day L.A.” in 2013, “Totally Clevver” and “Dirty Laundry” in 2015, “Clevver Girl” TV movie and “Clevver Now” in 2016, and “Throwback” in 2016, Josylyn Davis has also acted in the TV series “Not Too Deep with Grace Helbig” in 2016. In 2012, she hosted “Clevver News Feed,” and in 2013, she hosted “Clevver TV: E3 Special.” Joslyn created brief television shows including “Prank It Forward” in 2014 and “Clever TV: E3 Special” in 2013. In 2014, she created and directed the TV show “Dirty Laundry,” and in 2017, she made an appearance as a guest on “Shane and Friends.” Along with her partner Erin Robinson, Josyln Davis gained enormous popularity as a contestant on “The Amazing Race” in 2016.

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Joslyn Davis: Become a Star

She started concentrating on web media after her efforts in television. She is a well-known YouTube personality best known for the Defy Media channels “ClevverStyle,” “ClevverTV,” and “ClevverNews.”

With web stars like Lily Martson and BN Baxter, Joslyn Davis co-hosts the “ClevverStyle” beauty-break series of videos like “Weirdest ways to curl hair,” “5 creepy colored contact lenses for Halloween,” “4 Ways to wash your hair without showering,” “Trying YouTuber makeup products,” and also “Getting Henna Tattoo,” “Getting styled for Coachella,” and “Getting dressed for the Grammys.”

With 2.3 million members, “CleverStyle” is a well-liked make-up and styling channel that showcases the newest trends. She co-hosts the well-known “Dirty Laundry” series, where guests analyze and offer opinions on celebrities, such as “who dressed best or worse” and “who repeated whom.”

With co-hosts Erin Robinson and Sinead De Vries, Joslyn is well-known as the guest host of the “ClevverTV” cheat-day series of films featuring the “8 craziest exotic fruits,” “Mac & cheese,” “10 unusual but wonderful food combos,” and “7 insane sushi rolls.” She became well-known for co-hosting “Throwback” videos with titles like “12 more old songs you didn’t realize were dirty,” “8 dirty movie references you missed as a kid,” and “Hottest male social media star” and “4 hot celebs we want to marry.” She also became well-known for hosting videos with controversial topics like “Hottest male social media star” and “4 best Taylor Swift boyfriends.” She and Shane Dawson co-hosted the video for the “Lick it Clean Challenge.” There are 2.2 million customers of ClevverTV.

With “CleverNews,” she has conducted interviews with stars including Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Guzman for the film “The Boyfriend Next Door.” Joslyn co-hosts the “CleverNews” segment called “Rumor Patrol,” where she evaluates the veracity of rumors like “Rihanna Confirms Pregnancy” and “Ariana Grande a homewrecker?” The phrases “Lele Pons exposed for publicity” and “Selena Gomez Pregnant Bride?” Justin Beiber declares his permanent musical retirement. She served as the anchor of their Real Showmance program, “Cheating Controversy on the Bachelorette- Chad Johnson,” and she also hosted the 2016 Golden Globe Awards live on television. There are 3.3 million viewers of this channel. More than 5 million people subscribe to Clevver Media, which receives more than 170 million monthly views.

Even as the Hollywood Reporter, Joslyn has hosted on the “Live Australian Seven Network.” On ClevverTV, Joslyn Davis has conducted interviews with a variety of celebrities, including Robert Pattinson, Ian Somerhalder, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, the cast of “Beautiful Liar,” and the “All American Rejects.”

She currently hosts and reports for Project,, California Adventure TV (KCAL), “Designing Spaces: Think Green” on HGTV, and “Sunrise” (one of Australia’s top morning programs). Her own personal YouTube channel, titled “Joslyn Davis,” has 16,000 subscribers. She primarily posts photographs and related articles about her travels, vacation, special occasions with her family, food, fun, fashion, and music on this vlog. On her personal vlog, Joslyn Davis has talked about her adventures with sled dogs in Alaska, the finest birthday party she’s ever attended in Cabo, Mexico, kayaking in the San Juan Islands, Catalina Island Tours, Paris, France, the iHeart Radio Music Awards, and her sister’s bachelorette party.

Joslyn Davis: Behind the Scenes

In Downey, California, on April 25, 1982, Joslyn Davis was born. While enrolled in studies at the University of California, Irvine, she undertook a number of internships in the media industry. Before earning a bachelor’s degree in English with Spanish as a minor from the University of California, she spent a semester studying abroad at Carlos 111 University in Madrid, Spain.

Joslyn currently resides in Los Angeles and has a brother and one sister, Ali Davis. Her horoscope is a Taurus. She works as a volunteer for, an organization that seeks to end the clean water issue, as well as the nonprofit Music Saves Lives, which has received recognition from the American Red Cross.

Joslyn Davis’s Net Worth

One of the wealthiest and most well-known YouTube stars is Joslyn. Our research of Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider revealed that Joslyn Davis has a net worth of $5 million.