Massy Arias

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Instagram fitness star Massy Arias has more than 2 million followers and is consistently growing her fan base. Massy is causing a stir for all the right reasons. She is quite outspoken about how fitness turned her life for the better and kept her off the verge of sadness. This tattooed beauty, who is originally from the Dominican Republic, has the body of a goddess and professes to having constructed it herself, essentially from nothing. Massy is a fitness trainer, wellness coach, nutritionist, model, business owner, and a loving and proud new mother, as evidenced by her Instagram page. It documents her ascent through weight training and fitness. Massy is a major inspiration for women all around the world who look up to her as a role model for overcoming personal obstacles. Her blog and Instagram account show that she detests sticking to a single training method and incorporates a balanced variety of methods like sprinting, resistance training, yoga, calisthenics, and calisthenics. Her steadily growing clientele applauds her for instilling in them a never-give-up mentality that fundamentally alters their outlook on life.

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The Epic Ascent to Stardom

Massy Arias never had a similar background, in contrast to other fitness trainers that dedicate years and years of devoted training to succeed in the industry. She found exercise as a way to deal with her difficult life and return to some form of normalcy. Massy spent her early years on the Dominican Republic island before relocating to the United States in 2004 when she was 13 years old. A number of things helped Massy experience bouts of depression a few years later. Massy forfeited her scholarship to attend the State University of New York at Cortland because her older brother had developed a rare and severe case of Burkitt’s lymphoma. She enrolled at Queen’s College while commuting back and forth to care for her sick brother. When she began dating an emotionally abusive man who later cheated on her with women Massy referred to as “Curvy Latinas,” her mental anguish worsened even more. Her life spiraled because of the ensuing body image difficulties, stress from taking care of her brother, and severe alcohol and smoking abuse. She got depressed, spent days at a time isolated in her room, and finally began to lose weight and hair.

Massy sought out natural ways to improve her mental health after being urged to do so by her family and friends, notably her nursing mother. She then discovered fitness. She came to the realization that spending time exercising and seeing her body perspire made her happy in ways she had never imagined. She had the notion to use a blog and Instagram to document her trip online. Here, she discovered that many other women had experiences similar to hers, and she started sharing her self-taught knowledge with them.

She is now a well-known model who frequently appears on the covers of magazines like Latina, a fitness expert who works with both celebrities and regular people, a lifestyle coach who promotes the best methods to improve one’s life and a fighter against depression and body image issues. She has developed her own training regimen, the MA30 Challenge, a 30-day wellness program that pushes people beyond their comfort zones in order to improve their health and lifestyle.

Why Massy Is So Unique?

Massy learned all of his exercise skills and methods on his own. She ended up in the library searching up books to learn the proper way to work out and the proper way to eat because she was never wealthy enough to be able to hire a personal trainer or enroll in pricey courses. She is upfront about the fact that she has never received official training, but she asserts that her knowledge is sound enough to be applied to the various unique demands of her clients.

Massy, a small woman, underwent breast augmentation surgery because she suffered from significant body image issues and felt she wasn’t curvaceous enough to pass for a Latina. Feminists may accuse Massy of advocating artificial beauty improvement, but she stands by her stance that every woman has the freedom to care for her body any way she sees fit. Massy thinks that even though weight training has given her a muscular body, it totally fits the idea of feminine beauty.

Massy posted frequent updates on her pregnancy on Instagram for most of 2016. Her photo at 19 weeks nicely accentuates her six-pack abs, sending the message that it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy while remaining in shape. Early in 2017, Massy uploaded a photo of herself holding her newborn daughter, Indira Sarai, ten days after giving birth, showcasing her amazing post-pregnancy figure. Massy received a lot of criticism from some women who thought she was encouraging the current trend of super speedy post-partum weight loss, but her supporters support her and see this as motivation to desire to get back in shape after giving a baby.

Behind The Scenes

Dominican Republic’s San Domingo is where Massy was born. After she was born, her parents got divorced. Her three older brothers are men. Massy maintained a close relationship with her biological father despite her mother’s later remarriage. Massy immigrated to the USA in 2004 and settled in Queens, New York, where she struggled to learn the local tongue. She presently resides in Los Angeles with her daughter Indira Sarai and fiancé Stephan Williams.

Estimated net worth

The estimated net worth of Massy Arias is about $1 million.