Norodom Sihamoni

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Many people think that Norodom Sihamoni, who was born into the royal family and is now the King of Cambodia, is a very different kind of noble than most. As a child, he was sent to another country to study. He grew up and went to high school in Prague, which became like a second home to him. He was very interested in culture and the arts, and he went to the “Academy of Music Arts” in Czechoslovakia to study classical music and dance. He went all the way to North Korea to learn how to make movies so he could improve his art. This prince lived in Paris for twenty years, where he taught dance, made dance moves, and started his own dance group called “Ballet Deva.” He has also been his country’s representative to the United Nations and UNESCO. In 2004, his father decided to give the kingship to someone who wasn’t interested in politics, and Sihamoni seemed like the best choice. The second person was made king by a council of nine people. At first, there were doubts about his ability to run the country, but he has since done a good job. He pays extra attention to education and health care, especially in rural areas.

Early years and childhood

Norodom Sihamoni was born on May 14, 1953, to Norodom Sihanouk, who used to be the King of Cambodia, and Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, who was the Queen Consort.
Samdech Norodom Narindrapong was Sihamoni’s younger brother. He died when he was 49 years old. The first one has 14 other half-siblings.

In 1962, when he was nine years old, the boy went to Prague, Czechoslovakia, to go to school there. The “Academy of Music Arts” gave him training in classical cultural arts in the same place. Sihamoni can speak French, Czech, English, and Russian, as well as a few other languages.

In 1970, a Cambodian military official named Lon Nol led a coup against King Sihanouk, but the prince was in Czechoslovakia at the time.

In 1975, the young prince went to a school in North Korea to learn how to direct movies. Two years later, he went back to his home country, where the political scene was very tense. Pol Pot, the communist leader of the Khmer Rouge regime, put him and other family members in house arrest.

A Later Life

After Pol Pot was removed from power in Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk’s family moved to China, where the young prince worked for two years as his father’s secretary.

The prince went to France in 1981 to teach ballet, and the Khmer Dance Association later made him their President. During his time in Paris, he put together a group of dancers who called themselves “Ballet Deva.” He was the director of two dance movies and also made some of the dances that his group did.

In 1992, the Prince of Cambodia was chosen to speak for his country at the “United Nations.” The following year, he was chosen to represent his country at UNESCO.
In 2004, he was named a representative of the “High Council of Francophone Countries,” which is made up of more than 57 French-speaking countries.

In the same year, King Sihanouk decided to step down and give his son Sihamoni control of the country. This was a surprise, since there were other people who were better candidates for the throne.
Nine members of the royal family, like his stepbrother Norodom Ranariddh and the Prime Minister Hun Sen,

worked together to choose the prince. He became King on October 29, 2004, in a ceremony that was very low-key because Cambodia was in a bad economic state at the time.

On December 12, 2008, Sihamoni put together an advisory court made up of twenty-six members of his family. Prince Norodom Ranariddh’s half-brothers Sisowath Sirirath, Sisowath Thomico, and Sisowath Sirirath, as well as Ranariddh’s wife Norodom Marie, were all on this committee.

At the same time, the King was named a “Foreign Associate Member” of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, which is a group of intellectuals from all over the world.

Since then, Norodom Sihamoni has been in charge of the country. He has been looking out for the best interests of the people by improving education and health care. He is also the cultural ambassador for his country in many places around the world, especially in Europe.

Works of note

This famous Cambodian King is known for what he did to help his country grow culturally. He is best known for sharing the culture of his country with people all over the world.

Awards & Achievements

The French government gave the title “Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor” to the King of Cambodia in 2004.
In 2006, the city of Prague, where he grew up, made him an honorary citizen.

In 2010, he was given the title “Grand Cordon of the Order of the Chrysanthemum” by the Japanese government.
In the same year, the French government gave him the “Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor” and the “Silver Medal of the City of Paris.”

The government of the king’s home country has also given him the “Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Cambodia” and the “Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Monisaraphon.”

Personal History and Legacies

Sihamoni hasn’t gotten married yet because, as his father said, he thinks of women as his sisters.

Norodom Sihamoni’s Earnings

Several sources say that Sihamoni has a net worth of $500,000.

Estimated Net worth

The current King of Cambodia is Norodom Sihamoni, who has a net worth of $500,000. Sihamoni was born on May 14, 1953, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He is a member of the House of Norodom. On October 14, 2004, he became king, and on October 29, 2004, he was crowned.


The name of the King of Cambodia comes from the names of his father and mother, which are Sihanouk and Monineath.