Paul Revere

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North End,
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North End,

Paul Revere was an American manufacturer and Patriot during the American Revolution, who invented an intelligence and alarm system to warn the Colonial militia of an impending British invasion. He was a goldsmith and engraver by trade. His social status as a middle-class craftsman and his tight ties to other social groupings may have aided him in these endeavors. He also attracted the public’s attention to various engravings, such as the coming of British forces in 1778 and the 1770 Boston Massacre. Indeed, he excelled as a publicist and organizer. Simultaneously, his actions were not restricted to that. Additionally, he was an active participant in the Boston Tea Party, which accelerated the American Revolution. On April 18, 1775, his midnight ride to Lexington was commemorated in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem ‘Paul Revere’s Ride’. Following the war, he returned to his career and made a fortune manufacturing products for mass consumption. He then utilized the earnings to establish a metal casting furnace and began manufacturing bronze bells, canons, copper bolts, and spikes. As a result, he became one of the country’s early industrialists.

Childhood & Adolescence

Paul Revere was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 1, 1735. His father, Apollos Rivoire, was a French migrant who changed his name to the more anglicized Revere upon arriving in America. He had a goldsmith shop in Boston’s North End. Deborah Hitchborn, Paul’s mother, was descended from a local artisan family. Paul was the third child born to the marriage. Paul received his education in the three R’s at the North Writing School. At the age of 12, he apprenticed with his father and learned the trade of silversmithing. Simultaneously, he began earning additional money by ringing bells at Old North Church.

Paul’s father died in 1754. He was only 19 years old at the time. Despite the fact that he inherited the shop, he was legally ineligible to own it. As a result, the family was forced to endure financial difficulty. Paul chose to join the army because it offered a stable income. In February 1756, Paul Revere joined the provincial army and was commissioned as a second lieutenant. By 1757, he had returned to Boston and taken over his father’s business in his own name. In 1760, he joined the ‘Freemason’ fraternity.

At the time, the British economy was in decline, which had a detrimental influence on his firm. The Stamp Act of 1765 exacerbated the problem. To supplement his income, he occasionally turned to dentistry, a trade he had learned from a practicing surgeon. He quickly realized, however, that circumstances would deteriorate further unless actions were done to liberate the country from the British yoke.

Patriot of Paul

In 1765, Paul Revere joined the ‘Sons of Liberty,’ a secret group founded to oppose unjust British taxation and to preserve colonists’ liberties. He began manufacturing artifacts with political motifs in favor of the demonstrators during this time period. In 1773, Revere became an active participant in the protest. By the end of the year, a merchant ship named Dartmouth had arrived in Boston with the first consignment of tea under the conditions of the Tea Act, 1773. Revere, along with many other North End Caucus members, coordinated a vigil to prevent the tea from being unloaded. Two further ships bearing tea eventually landed in Boston Harbor.

Revere and others entered the ships disguised as Native Americans on December 16, 1773. They then dumped all the crates into the harbor, effectively ruining the tea contained within. The event became known as the ‘Boston Tea Party.’ It is one of the most emblematic moments in the American liberation fight, having accelerated the American Revolution. Simultaneously, Revere began working as a messenger for the Boston Correspondence Committee and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety. He was compelled to make multiple covert journeys to New York and Philadelphia. However, the British learned of these visits mostly from ‘loyalist Americans.’ Nonetheless, he persisted, making 18 such visits between 1773 and 1775.

Additionally, he organized a secret group whose primary mission was to monitor the movement of British forces. In 1974, reports indicated that British forces were about to land at Portsmouth. Revere mounted his horse and rode towards town. However, it was ultimately shown to be a rumor; however, the ride ignited popular excitement. In April 1775, word arrived that British forces were advancing on Lexington, the seat of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress. The British were reported to be on their way there to apprehend rebel leaders John Hancock and Samuel Adams.

On April 18, 1775, at approximately 10:00 p.m., Paul Revere set off for Lexington on the direction of Joseph Warren and arrived just after midnight. William Dawes was also dispatched to Lexington; however, he arrived by a different route. Their aim was to notify the Massachusetts Provincial Congress of a British invasion that was imminent. Revere had to cross the Charles River, which was anchored by the British warship HMS Somerset. He had previously directed the sexton of the North Church to keep an eye on troop movement. He was to put one lantern on the church steeple if he discovered troops approaching by land and two if they approached by river.

Revere continued to notify the colonial militia scattered throughout the towns as he rode approached the river. When he arrived, he noticed two lanterns on the steeple. He crossed the river by row boat, skirting the British warship, and embarked at Charlestown, undeterred. He then rode towards Lexington, announcing his approach to the local militia.He then set out for Concord with Dawes and another Patriot named Preston after conveying the news. Initially, the town was home to the largest colonial armory. However, by that time, the town’s residents had relocated the arms to a more secure site. They were apprehended by British troops en route.

Although Dawes and Preston escaped, Revere was apprehended and interrogated at gunpoint. Revere maintained his composure throughout but misled the British into believing they were in peril. They then released Revere, seized his horse, and returned to their headquarters to notify his companions. Revere then returned to the meeting place to meet with John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Revere assisted Hancock in escaping at the Battle of Lexington. He was unable to return home, however, because Boston was firmly in British hands at the time. Rather than that, he relocated to Watertown, which is today a part of Greater Boston. There, he was joined by his family.

Revere continued to serve as a messenger for the provincial congress. Additionally, he was tasked with the responsibility of producing local currency, which the congress used to pay the troops. In 1775, he was sent to Philadelphia to study the gun powder mill’s operation. He then established a powder factory in Canton, which was then called Stoughton. Revere returned to Boston in 1776. He was appointed major in the Massachusetts militia in April 1776 and advanced to lieutenant colonel in November 1776. For the defense of Boston Harbor, his unit was stationed at Castle William, now known as Fort Independence.

Until 1779, he served in the militia. He was requested to retire from his office in September 1779 as a result of some allegations brought against him. Later that year, in 1782, a court-martial was held and his name was cleared. However, he was already well-established in his firm at the time.

Business of Paul

After quitting his position, Paul Revere attempted to establish himself as a merchant but was unable to do so due to a lack of funds and connections. He subsequently began mass-producing silverware such as teaspoons and buckles, which were in higher demand than custom-made high-end items. He also benefited from technical advancements to boost his profits. By 1788, he had amassed sufficient funds to construct a big furnace.

Soon after, he established an iron foundry and began manufacturing functional cast iron objects such as window weights, fireplace tools, and stove backs. He also profited handsomely from this venture. Paul Revere began manufacturing church bells after mastering iron casting, a business that existed at the time. He also founded a firm called Paul Revere & Sons at some point. Paul Revere Junior and Joseph Warren Revere became partners in this venture. By 1792, the firm had established itself as the leading bell manufacturer in the United States.

By 1794, Paul Revere had broadened his horizons and began manufacturing canons for the government as well as private gatherings. In 1795, he expanded his product line by adding copper bolts, nails, spikes, and other fittings.
In 1801, he founded the Revere Copper Company and pioneered a financially viable way of producing copper sheets. In 1803, he was commissioned by the United States government to roll copper sheets to wrap the USS Constitution’s wooden hull.

Revere accomplished this feat with the use of a unique technology that strengthened the sheets while also increasing their flexibility. Revere’s copper sheets have since been used to cover the wooden hulls of numerous ships controlled by the United States Government. In 1811, Paul Revere ceased business operations. He remained politically active, though, until his death.

Personal History and Legacies

On August 4, 1757, Paul Revere married Sarah Orne. The couple had eight children, two of whom died as infants. Sarah was assassinated in 1773. Paul married Rachel Walker on October 10, 1773. Rachel also had eight children, three of whom died as infants. Rachel passed away in 1813. Revere was a devout federalist who was committed to the development of a strong and prosperous the United States of America. He died on May 10, 1818, at his Charter Street residence. He was 83 years old at the time. His mortal remains are presently interred at Boston’s Granary Burial Ground.

He started the Revere Copper Company, which continues to thrive today. The company today operates three manufacturing divisions in New Bedford, New York, and Rome. Additionally, Paul Revere’s personal engraved items are housed in a variety of museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Estimated Net Worth

Paul is one of the wealthiest War Heroes and is among the most popular War Heroes. Paul Revere’s net worth is estimated to be at $5 million, based on our review of Wikipedia, Forbes, and Business Insider.