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Ancient Egypt,
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Ancient Egypt,

During the Old Kingdom, Sneferu was the founder and first monarch of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt. He was also known by his Hellenized name Soris, and he was a key figure in the design and construction of Ancient Egypt’s pyramids. Sneferu’s reign was the pinnacle of the Old Kingdom’s royal power, which peaked during the Fourth Dynasty. He is credited with introducing key technological advancements in pyramid construction, and the three great pyramids he built were far larger than those created by his predecessors, as well as differing in style. The origins of Sneferu’s ancestors remain unknown. It’s widely assumed that he was the son of Huni’s predecessor, Meresankh I, and one of Huni’s inferior wives or concubines. He then married Hetepheres I, who was at least his half-sister, most likely via a more senior queen, bolstering his claim to the throne. Sneferu most likely embarked on major journeys southward into Nubia and westward into the Sinai after coming to the throne. But it was his design and construction of pyramids that made him famous, and he is credited with at least one of a series of “regional” or provincial pyramids at Seila.

Childhood and Adolescence

Sneferu was an Egyptian god who lived in the 25th century BC. Huni, an ancient Egyptian ruler and the last pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty of the Old Kingdom period, is thought to be his father. Meresankh I was his mother, and she is said to be one of Huni’s inferior wives or concubines.

Reign & Accession of Sneferu

A number of information about Sneferu’s life are unknown. He married one of Huni’s daughters from a senior wife as a young man, bolstering his claim to the throne.

The exact date of Sneferu’s accession to the throne is unknown. His rule is estimated differently by different sources. He governed for 24 years, from 2613 BC to 2589 BC, according to ‘The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt,’ although Rolf Krauss offers a reign of 30 years. According to another version, Stadelmann claimed to have reigned for 48 years.

Despite the fact that records during his reign are scarce, many facts are evident. It has been determined from the huge cemeteries surrounding his and his son’s pyramids that members of the royal family were appointed to the top administrative positions throughout his reign. To retain the administrative power of the country within the royal family, only princes close to the succession were assigned to the immensely important position of vizier.

He is thought to have conducted an extensive raid southward into Nubia during the early years of his reign, and later on he is thought to have mounted an expedition to Libya. The pharaoh was also reported to have enormous estates throughout Egypt.

Sneferu, on the other hand, is best known for revolutionizing the way pyramids were built in ancient Egypt. The pyramid at Maydum is the first pyramid attributed to him. It was built as a step pyramid at first, but was later changed to become a genuine pyramid. Some experts, however, are skeptical of Sneferu’s claim to the Maydum pyramid, as numerous historians attribute the pyramid’s construction to King Huni.

He is also credited with building the Bent Pyramid (also known as the Rhomboidal or Blunted Pyramid) in Egypt. The degree of the inclination decreases from 55° to around 43° in the upper levels of the pyramid, making it a particularly creative structure. It has two entrances, one on the north side and the other on the west side.

Sneferu erected the Red Pyramid, also known as the North Pyramid, a few years after the Bent Pyramid was completed. It is the largest of the three great pyramids at the Dahshur necropolis, named for the rusty reddish tint of red limestone stones. Locals refer to the Red Pyramid as ‘el-heram el-watwaat,’ or the Bat Pyramid. The construction of the pyramid, according to German Egyptologist Rainer Stadelmann, took about 17 years.

Sneferu executed such big construction projects that would have necessitated the use of a large amount of personnel and materials. He is thought to have taken a significant number of captives and looted raw materials during his trips to Libya and Nubia. During his overseas incursions, he also captured cattle.

He took approximately 7,000 captives and 200,000 head of cattle from Nubia, as well as 11,000 captives and 13,100 head of cattle during his Libyan campaign. His raids are thought to have wreaked havoc on the populations and economies of the countries he ravaged.

Major Projects of Sneferu

Sneferu is one of Egypt’s most well-known pyramid builders, and he is credited with giving the pyramid its final shape. He constructed three great pyramids, the last of which was the Red Pyramid. The pyramid is the third largest Egyptian pyramid and the largest of the three great pyramids of the Dahshur necropolis, made of red limestone stones.

Personal History and Legacy

Hetepheres I, Huni’s daughter and one of his principal wives, was his main wife. She was most likely his younger half-sister. Khufu, Ankhhaf, Kanefer, Nefermaat I, Netjeraperef, Rahotep, Ranefer, and Iynefer I were among the offspring he fathered with other spouses.

Khufu, his son, succeeded him after he died.

Estimated Net Worth of Sneferu

The Estimated Net Worth of Sneferu is Unknown.